Inconsistent draft guidelines do not reflect the intent and spirit of the SUP Directive

GO!PHA has written a letter to the European Commission to express serious concerns on the latest version of the “draft guidelines” to Directive (EU) 2019/904 also called the Single-use Plastics Directive.

We are extremely concerned by the inconsistencies on including and excluding specific materials based on argumentation that is not rooted in science and does not reflect the intent and the spirit of the Directive.

We urge the Commission to take the following measures to make sure the SUP Directive fits the European Green Deal Objectives and the Innovation Principle, and minimises market and trade distortions:

  1. Revise the definitions used in Section 2.1 of the directive to exempt sustainable alternatives to single use plastics, including PHA

  2. Ensure that the Guideline reflect that polymers that are the result of a fermentation process and having the same chemical identity as polymers present in nature are considered to be ‘natural polymers’ within the Single-use plastic directive (EU) 2019/904.

  3. Ensure that the Guideline of the Directive (EU) 2019/904 do not harm market potential of high-tech and naturally found PHA in a manner that would seriously damage the investments made and planned through EU and national funds, as well as by companies that have already invested or have committed to invest in these innovative technologies and products.

Please find attached below our detailed response addressed to Mr. Mattia Pellegrini, head of the Waste Management & Secondary Materials Department of the European Commission


Inconsistent SUP Directive guidelines to hurt high-tech, natural, and renewable materials industry


Using PHA materials to advance towards the Sustainable Development Goals