RCI Report: “The use of food and feed crops for bio-based materials and the related effects on food security – Promoting evidence-based debates and recognising potential benefits”

This scientific background report by Renewable Carbon Initiative sheds light on the use of food and feed crops for bio-based materials and the related effects on food security.

These insights challenge conventional wisdom on biomass use, emphasizing evidence-based discourse.

While factors like climate change and food insecurity are complex, the paper suggests that competition for biomass isn't a key issue. Instead, it proposes leveraging biomass for industrial applications to reduce fossil fuel reliance and combat climate change.

By repurposing food and feed crops for materials, it argues for a win-win scenario: climate mitigation, enhanced land productivity, environmental benefits, and improved market stability, ultimately bolstering food and feed security.


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Degradation and environmental assessment of compostable packaging mixed with biowaste in full-scale industrial composting conditions