Driving Sustainability Through Biobased and Biodegradable Products: A Holistic Approach for a Circular Economy

In recent years, the urgency of addressing environmental challenges has become increasingly apparent. From climate change to plastic pollution, our planet faces unprecedented threats that require bold and innovative solutions. One promising avenue for tackling these issues lies in the development and adoption of biobased and biodegradable products. However, realizing the full potential of these products requires more than just technological advancements; it demands a holistic approach that encompasses the entire lifecycle, from production to disposal. In this article, we delve into the importance of embracing such an approach and explore best practices for driving sustainability through biobased and biodegradable products.

The circular economy (CE) revolves around three core principles: designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems. While these principles are typically applied to renewable resources, they can also theoretically be achieved with fossil-based products. This is evident in the "circularity of plastics" literature, where recycling is key to maintaining the value of plastic products within the economy.

However, recycling does not address the fundamental issue of unsustainable reliance on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are non-renewable, and their extraction and use cause significant environmental harm. Even with effective recycling, discarded fossil-based products, such as plastics, can still lead to pollution and environmental degradation.

Therefore, while recycling fossil-based products is an important step, it does not fully align with the goals of a sustainable circular economy. A more sustainable approach requires shifting towards renewable, bio-based resources that can better support the principles of the circular economy and reduce environmental impact.

A bio-based economy, or bioeconomy, complements the principles of the circular economy by utilizing renewable biological resources, such as plants, algae, and organic waste, as raw materials for producing energy, chemicals, and materials. This approach aligns with the goals of the circular economy by promoting sustainability, reducing waste, and minimizing environmental impact. The bioeconomy emphasizes the use of natural, renewable resources to create products that can be reused, recycled, and ultimately returned to the environment in a non-harmful way.

The circular bioeconomy integrates the principles of the circular economy with the use of bio-based resources. It aims to create a closed-loop system where biological materials are continuously cycled through production and consumption processes. This involves designing products and processes that minimize waste, optimizing the use of renewable biomass, and ensuring that end-of-life products can be composted or biodegraded to regenerate natural systems.

In a circular bioeconomy, the focus is on using bio-based materials that are renewable and sustainable. For example, agricultural waste can be converted into bioplastics, which can then be recycled or composted. This approach not only reduces reliance on fossil fuels but also enhances the sustainability of production and consumption patterns. By optimizing the use of bio-based materials at different stages of the product life cycle, the circular bioeconomy offers significant advantages over traditional circular economy models that rely on fossil-based resources.

Integrating the circular bioeconomy with systems thinking offers a multifaceted approach to sustainability. By focusing on renewable biomass, this approach ensures sustainable resource management, reducing dependency on finite fossil fuels and promoting ecological balance. This shift to bio-based materials at various stages of the product life cycle enhances lifecycle efficiency. For instance, transforming agricultural waste into bioplastics that can be recycled or composted minimizes waste and optimizes resource use.

Economically, the circular bioeconomy stimulates growth and resilience. It creates new industries and job opportunities, particularly in the bio-based sector, fostering innovation and technological advancements that contribute to long-term economic stability. Environmentally, the use of bio-based materials results in lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil-based products. Many of these materials are also biodegradable or compostable, reducing pollution and supporting healthier ecosystems.

The systems thinking approach ensures that sustainability is embedded in every phase of the product life cycle, minimizing inefficiencies and maximizing resource effectiveness. This comprehensive integration not only drives innovation in bio-based technologies and processes but also facilitates the development of new, eco-friendly products and solutions.

Moreover, the emphasis on regenerating natural systems helps preserve and restore ecosystems, maintaining biodiversity and enhancing the resilience of natural habitats. In essence, the circular bioeconomy, supported by systems thinking, provides a sustainable and economically viable way to close the loop on product life cycles, addressing the shortcomings of traditional circular economy models and offering significant environmental and economic benefits.

Production Best Practices

Production of bio-based and biodegradable products requires a combination of innovative technologies, efficient processes, and responsible sourcing practices. Leading organizations are already at the forefront of this sustainable production, embracing renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power to reduce their carbon footprint. They have optimized raw material use by implementing techniques like precision agriculture and biorefining, ensuring that every part of the biomass is utilized effectively. Additionally, they adopt closed-loop systems where waste materials are recycled back into the production process, minimizing environmental impact.

Many organizations are successfully practicing these techniques today, showcasing the potential for broader adoption. For instance, companies are producing materials like mycelium (mushroom-based materials), corn-based polylactic acid (PLA), hemp fibers, and chitosan (derived from crustacean shells). These materials are then used to create various products such as packaging materials, furniture, and even building materials, textiles for clothing, as well as in biodegradable composites for automotive parts, in water filtration systems, biodegradable medical dressings, and agricultural seed coatings.

The optimization of production processes to minimize waste and energy consumption, as advocated by green chemistry, complements the circular bioeconomy's goal of resource efficiency. By incorporating green chemistry principles into the design and production of bio-based materials and products, companies can further enhance their environmental performance and contribute to a more sustainable future. This integrated approach not only reduces reliance on finite fossil resources but also minimizes environmental impact throughout the product life cycle, aligning with the overarching goals of both green chemistry and the circular bioeconomy.

HICCUPS, Highly-Innovative technology demonstration for bio-based CO2 Capture and Utilization for production of bulk Plastic applications

The HICCUPS project is a good example of best practices in the production of packaging. By efficiently capturing CO2 emissions from wastewater treatment plants and converting them into high-performance bio-based plastics, the project addresses environmental challenges while providing sustainable packaging solutions. The successful demonstration of a complete value chain, coupled with the development of digital tools and thorough assessments of environmental and financial performance, underscores the project's potential for commercial scale-up and broad adoption. The HICCUPS project shows an  innovative approach to valorization  and also contributes significantly to the advancement of making safe and sustainable materials in the packaging sector.

BIOrescue Project

The BIOrescue project exemplifies a best practice in sustainable production by addressing the significant waste management challenge of spent mushroom substrate (SMS) in Europe's mushroom industry and transforming it  into valuable bio-based products. By developing an integrated biorefinery concept that utilizes SMS supplemented with wheat straw and other underutilized lignocellulosic feedstocks, BIOrescue converts waste into biodegradable bio-based products such as bio-based nanocarriers for drug encapsulation and bioactive compounds, as well as biopesticides. This innovative approach shows how  disposal costs and environmental impact can be mitigated, while also enhancing resource efficiency and sustainability, showcasing the potential for circular economy practices within the agricultural sector.

While , challenges remain, particularly in terms of cost and scalability, novel technologies can enhance production methods with  a range of strategies aimed at minimizing environmental impact and promoting resource efficiency throughout the manufacturing process. Many industries today are relying on  methods including  the utilization of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power to reduce reliance on fossil fuels during production. Additionally, sustainable production involves optimizing the use of raw materials through precision agriculture, biorefining, and advanced manufacturing techniques, thereby minimizing waste. Closed-loop systems are implemented to ensure that waste products are recycled back into the production cycle, reducing overall waste and resource consumption. Green chemistry principles guide the design of processes and products to eliminate hazardous substances, promoting safer and more environmentally friendly practices. Moreover, sustainable sourcing practices ensure that raw materials are procured from certified sustainable sources, further reducing environmental impact. Energy-efficient processes, water conservation efforts, and waste reduction strategies round out the suite of sustainable production methods, collectively contributing to a more environmentally responsible and resource-efficient manufacturing industry. Sustainable production methods may entail higher upfront costs, making them less economically viable for some businesses. Additionally, scaling up these methods to meet growing demand requires investment and infrastructure development. Nevertheless, innovative solutions, such as public-private partnerships and incentives for sustainable practices, can help overcome these challenges and drive widespread adoption of sustainable production methods. 

Consumption Best Practices

  1. Consumer Awareness and Education

Consumer awareness and education play a crucial role in promoting sustainable consumption practices. Educating consumers about the environmental and social impacts of their purchasing decisions can empower them to make more informed choices. By raising awareness about the benefits of choosing sustainable products and the importance of reducing waste, consumers can actively contribute to a more sustainable future. Educational campaigns, workshops, and informational materials can help consumers understand the concept of sustainability and its relevance to their daily lives.

      2. Sustainable Consumption

Sustainable consumption involves adopting behaviors and practices that minimize environmental impact while meeting the needs of present and future generations. This includes reducing consumption, reusing products, and recycling materials whenever possible. By embracing a "reduce, reuse, recycle" mindset, consumers can minimize waste generation and conserve natural resources. Sustainable consumption also entails choosing products that are ethically sourced, eco-friendly, and have minimal negative impacts on the environment and society. Companies can support sustainable consumption by offering environmentally friendly products and providing transparent information about their production processes.     

     3. Market Incentives and Policies

Market incentives and policies play a critical role in shaping consumer behavior and encouraging sustainable consumption practices. Governments can implement policies such as eco-labeling, product standards, and taxation schemes to incentivize the production and consumption of sustainable products. By providing financial incentives for businesses to adopt environmentally friendly practices and penalizing unsustainable practices, governments can create a level playing field for sustainable businesses. Additionally, public awareness campaigns and consumer education initiatives can complement policy interventions by informing consumers about the benefits of sustainable consumption and empowering them to make environmentally responsible choices. Together, market incentives and policies can drive systemic change towards a more sustainable economy and society.


The BIOBRIDGES project exemplifies a consumption best practice by enhancing the marketability of bio-based products (BBPs) through fostering collaboration among bio-based industries, brand owners, and consumer representatives. It influences regulatory frameworks and public procurement policies by organizing policy debates and advocating for supportive regulations and government incentives. The project also shapes consumer behavior through innovative communication strategies, increasing awareness and trust in BBPs. By engaging a broad range of stakeholders, including policymakers, public authorities, and local communities, BIOBRIDGES promotes the adoption of sustainable bio-based products, contributing to a greener European economy.

End-of-Life Circular Utilization

Effective end-of-life management is essential for realizing the full potential of biobased and biodegradable products. Composting, recycling, and sustainable disposal initiatives can help divert waste from landfills and promote circularity. 


The FINILOOP project, standing for Financial Inclusion and Improved Livelihoods Out of Plastics, represents a city-level plastic waste management initiative aimed at fostering cleaner environments and a more inclusive circular plastic economy. By connecting and strengthening actors along the entire waste value and service chain, FINILOOP works with local partners to bolster and scale local enterprises and startups, create safer job opportunities for informal waste workers, empower communities, and attract additional funds into the waste value chain. Currently active in three Indian cities—Udaipur, Amritsar, and Jaipur—the first phase of the FINILOOP program (2022-2025) is dedicated to enhancing solid and plastic waste management, improving the livelihoods of informal waste workers, professionalizing and scaling the plastic recycling sector, and fostering cleaner communities through awareness-raising and behavior change efforts.

FINILOOP engages (local) governments, households, entrepreneurs, financiers, and other key stakeholders to organize and sustain local plastic waste value chains, ensuring communities can thrive in a clean and healthy environment. Recognizing the complexity of plastic waste types and value chains, FINILOOP focuses on knowledge management and expertise to address these challenges effectively. This is achieved through raising awareness about plastic waste and source separation at the household level, empowering waste workers—predominantly women and youth—to create jobs, professionalizing the plastic recycling sector, introducing innovations, integrating local financial resources, and developing new finance products. Collaboration with governments and development partners is crucial to scaling these efforts.

As a result, FINILOOP aims to improve the quality of solid waste services and recycled plastic, while boosting plastic recycling rates. The project focuses on building local capacities to facilitate plastic recycling loans, improve recycling infrastructure, develop plastic recycling businesses, and promote waste separation at the source.

Connect with Multi-technology industrial organic waste solution, implemented by Takataka Solutions and Chanzi Ltd.

Takataka Solutions and Chanzi Ltd. have collaborated to revolutionize industrial organic waste management by implementing on-site sorting and collection processes. This initiative aims to convert organic waste into valuable products, including Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Larvae, high-protein animal feed, frass, biochar for soil enhancement and carbon sequestration, and affordable fertilizer for local agriculture through composting. By integrating these processes, the partnership reduces disposal costs, offers sustainable alternatives, and creates market opportunities. Additionally, by diverting 4800 tonnes/year of waste, the initiative significantly minimizes environmental impact. Takataka Solutions and Chanzi Ltd., with their respective expertise in waste management and organic waste conversion, are well-positioned to scale operations. Collaborating with research partners, they aim to optimize processes and demonstrate the commercial viability of the initiative. This collaborative effort showcases a holistic and sustainable approach to waste management, benefiting both the environment and economy.

However, challenges remain, including contamination issues in recycling streams and lack of consumer awareness about proper disposal methods. Addressing these challenges requires coordinated efforts across multiple stakeholders, including industry, government, and civil society. By working together, we can overcome these barriers and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

 The HOOP Project

For instance, the HOOP project aims to support eight lighthouse cities and regions in Europe to develop large-scale urban circular bioeconomy initiatives, focusing on producing bio-based products from urban biowaste and wastewater. The HOOP project has innovatively leveraged the fermentation technology to valorize used cooking oils (UCOs) by converting them into high-value polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), specifically Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (P3HB). This approach not only addresses waste management challenges but also produces a biodegradable and biocompatible biopolymer with diverse applications.

Used cooking oils, which are typically considered waste, contain a rich carbon source that can be effectively utilized by specific bacteria in their metabolic processes. These bacteria metabolize the carbon compounds in UCOs and synthesize PHA, with P3HB being a predominant type. The fermentation process facilitates the conversion of up to 0.70 kg of PHA from every 1 kg of UCO, showcasing a highly efficient transformation. By utilizing waste as a resource, the project exemplifies the principles of a circular economy and promotes sustainable development in various industrial sectors.


In conclusion, driving material circularity through biobased and biodegradable products necessitates a comprehensive strategy that addresses the entirety of the product lifecycle. The integration of sustainable practices across production, consumption, and end-of-life management is paramount to unlocking the full potential of these products and facilitating the transition to a circular economy. Initiatives like the Berlin waste-to-energy project and the FINILOOP program exemplify the application of the product-systems approach, where waste is not merely disposed of but treated as a valuable resource. Through innovative technologies and collaborative efforts, these projects demonstrate how organic waste can be transformed into renewable energy sources, contributing to cleaner environments and improved livelihoods. Moreover, the utilization of biobased materials and biodegradable products, as showcased in the FINILOOP program, underscores the importance of sustainable consumption and waste management practices in achieving circularity. By raising awareness, empowering communities, and fostering partnerships, we can promote the adoption of these eco-friendly alternatives and create a more sustainable future for generations to come. Therefore, it is imperative to continue advocating for policies and initiatives that support the adoption of biobased and biodegradable products, as well as the implementation of best practices throughout the product lifecycle, to drive material circularity and accelerate the transition towards a circular economy.

Written by: Buket Aksoy


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